“Advanced Political Economies” – Introduction to a Book in Progress
Torben iversen
Burbank Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University
September 29, 2017 2:15PM Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland St, Hoffmann Room
“Advanced Political Economies” – Introduction to a Book in Progress
2:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Torben Iversen, Burbank Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University
Discussant: Jeffry Frieden Stanfield Professor of International Peace, Harvard University
Summary: Much of the literature on advanced capitalist democracies over the past two decades has painted a critical and pessimistic picture of advanced capitalism, and – closely linked—of the future of democracy in advanced societies. In this view, the advanced capitalist democratic state has weakened over time because of globalization and the diffusion of neoliberal ideas. Advanced business is seen as the major driver and exponent of liberalization, privatization, deregulation and intensified global competition. This book argues that the opposite is true. Over time, the advanced capitalist democratic state has paradoxically become strengthened through globalization. The spread of neoliberal ides, we argue, reflects the demands of decisive voters from the middle and upper middle classes to fuel economic growth, wealth, and opportunity in the emerging knowledge economy. In short, the “laws” of capitalism driving wealth accumulation are politically manufactured and advanced capitalism is highly compatible with democracy.
Venue: Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland St, Hoffmann Room
Note: As there will be no presentation, participants should read the paper in advance.
It is available under the listing for this event on the CES Events Calendar
and here: https://ces.fas.harvard.edu/uploads/files/events/IS_Chapter_1_2017.pdf
Co-Chairs: Peter A. Hall and Kathleen Thelen
All welcome.