Congratulations 2022 Political Science graduates!
The department of Political Science sends a well-deserved congratulations to our amazing 2022 graduates!
The Department of Political Science will host a virtual graduation celebration to honor the accomplishments of --students graduating with bachelors degrees, masters degrees, and PhD's.
Image: Heiko Stein/Pixabay
The department of Political Science sends a well-deserved "congratulations" to our amazing 2022 graduates!
We celebrate your creativity, resilience, and courage, and we look forward to staying in touch in the coming years.
Zachary Alfaro, SB
Prosser Cathey, SB
Valerie Chen, SB
Emily Huang, SB
Roy Kwon, SB
Reagan Zimmerman, SB
Stephanie Zhang, SB
Shushu Fang, SB
Emma Campbell-Mohn, SM
Lauren David, SM
In Hee Kang, SM
Helen Landwehr, SM
Sean Atkins, PhD
Matthew Cancian, PhD
Andrew Halterman, PhD
Shiyao Liu, PhD
Zeyu Chris Peng, PhD
Sara Plana, PhD
Erik Sand, PhD
Rachel Tecott, PhD
Minh Trinh, PhD