Congratulations 2023 Political Science graduates!
The Department of Political Science sends a well-deserved congratulations to our amazing 2023 graduates!
The Department of Political Science congratulates our 2023 graduates!
Photo credit: Adam Glanzman
The MIT Department of Political Science sends a well-deserved "congratulations" to our extraordinary 2023 graduates! We are delighted to report that one of our newly-minted PhDs—Meicen Sun—will be the student speaker for the 2023 School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (SHASS) Advanced Degree Commencement Ceremony on Thursday.
We celebrate the creativity, tenacity, and resilience of all our graduates and look forward to staying in touch in the coming years. You will always have a home here at MIT.
Phoebe (Yichuan) Shi, SB
Samantha Maldonado, SB
Lauren David, SM
Milain D. Fayulu, SM
Julian T. Rippy, SM
Paige Bollen, PhD
Lukas W. Osman Freiheyt, PhD
Ying Gao, PhD
Aidan J. Milliff, PhD
Gabriel C. Nahmias, PhD
Blair M. Read, PhD
Emilia Simison, PhD
Meicen Sun, PhD