Event Archive
Covert Regime Change: Lessons from U.S.-backed Interventions During the Cold War
Lindsey O'Rourke
Boston College
September 20, 2017 12:00PM E40-496 Pye Room
Introduction to LaTeX Part 1: LaTeX Basics and Reference Management
Guillermo Toral and Weihuang Wong
September 15, 2017 11:30AM Millikan Room, E53-482
American Politics Annual Conference
September 15, 2017 9:00AM
September 15, 2017
Election Science Group planning meeting.
September 14, 2017 5:00PM Millikan Room, E53-482
Perspectives on the U.S. Defense Budget
Todd Harrison
Center for Strategic and International Studies
September 13, 2017 12:00PM E40-496 Pye Room
September 8, 2017
Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland Street, Hoffmann Room
September 7, 2017
The Future of Data Science in the City of Boston
Andrew Therriault
Chief Data Officer, City of Boston
April 10, 2017 12:00PM E53-482
Measuring Partisan Conflict in Congress Using Unstructured Data and Machine Learning
Patrick Van Kessel
Data Science Associate, Pew Research Center
March 20, 2017 12:00PM E53-482
Reaching the New Voter : Political Analytics for Modern Campaigns
Charlotte Swasey
Data Scientist, Civis Analytics
March 13, 2017 12:00PM E51-275
Building Data-Driven Government: From Filling Potholes to Disrupting the Cycle of Incarceration
Kelly Jin
Policy Advisor to the U.S. Chief Technology Officer
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
December 2, 2016 12:00PM E51-095
Whose Vote Matters
November 1, 2016 5:30PM Kirsch Auditorium, 32-123
Holding Algorithms Accountable: Hidden Biases in Machine Learning
Jeff Larson
Data Editor, ProPublica
November 1, 2016 12:00PM E51-275
Lessons From Market Basket
Boston Review Ideas Matter Forum
September 25, 2014 6:00PM Wong Auditorium, 2 Amherst Street, Cambridge